Seriously, I feel like I’m up to my eyeballs right now in all of the things I need to get done.
It’s not helping matters that my allergies are going nutso and I reached the point tonight where I have to walk around with a kleenex balled up constantly sticking out of my nose. Yes….I’m there. And it’s obviously affecting my brain because I am in disbelief of myself for even posting this utterly hideous picture to illustrate my point! Thumbs down to allergies! Dark circles under my eyes, flat hair, no make-up to cover the acne that I STILL can’t get rid of, and then of course the kleenex that looks really more like a tampon shoved up my nose than anything. You know you’ve all done it. Don’t act like you haven’t. Don’t judge!
Speaking of tampons in noses…did you know that they are an excellent way to stop a bloody nose? Once upon a season in high school, I was an athletic trainer for the boy’s varsity basketball team (yeah…Go Bishops!) and I learned that handy little trick. Cut them in half and stick them up a nose to stop the bleeding. Genius! And while we’re talking about noses still, have you tried the Vick’s Vapor Rub Tissues by Puffs?
Oh my heavens…if you’re going to walk around like the idiot that I am with a kleenex stuck in your nose, THIS is the tissue to pick ya’ll. I’m pretty sure Vick’s doesn’t recommend rubbing the actual ointment up your nose, but I figure that a tissue is made for your nose, so this method is bound to be fine. It’s so minty and nice. I feel sure it has to be helping.
Enough about noses and tampons and kleenex now though. Lemme give you a little run down of all that I need to accomplish in the next few days and then please excuse me for probably not writing again until Monday when I’ll be debuting a week of Fabulous Fall Fashion around here that is oh so great!
First, I have to finish getting all of that fashion fabulousness in order. I have posts that need to be put into WordPress, I’m still trying to find a babysitter for my littlest man while uber-cool Greenville stylist, Kelley Smith, comes to my house to help me re-mix my own wardrobe (so that we can give you helpful tips for remixing yours too,) I have some more emails to send, and details to tie up, and then by next week I’ll have it all together ready to reveal to you on Monday. Still, it’s stuff to do.
Also, the thing that’s really got me running insane is a super awesome decorating project that I’m working on for a client/friend. I was hired a few months back to help put together a nursery for some old college friends (you KNOW how I do love designing nurseries.) I love doing a nursery in general, but this one is especially fun because this couple does not know the gender of the baby they are having.
BUT I DO! Yep…the doctor, the ultrasound tech, and ME! We know if this baby is a he or a she, and we’re not telling!
The plan has been for the couple to get the room as ready as possible with the gender neutrals…the crib, the soft green wall color, the glider…you get the idea. In the meantime, I’ve bought the crib linens they selected (they picked one for each gender and I ordered the appropriate one,) yesterday I selected some fabrics to recover the glider, make pillows, window treatments…the works. I’ve bought lamps, a mirror, a dresser, bed, and accessories, and I’m still on the hunt for some more artwork and the perfect rug. It’s been fun for sure. But the final install is gonna have to be pushed up because it looks like my friend is likely going to be delivering 3 weeks early! First of all…please join me in praying for this sweet baby secret-gender and it’s health the rest of the time that he or she is cooking in mommy’s belly. The docs are keeping a close eye on mom, but think it’s likely they’ll deliver at 37 weeks to be on the safe side. What this means for me is that I have to get my act in gear. I’m going to a conference at the end of the month, so I need to get this thing done before I leave. The plan was for me to install the whole thing while they were at the hospital, but looks now like that might just be when I’m not even in the state! So we’ll flip the lock around on the door, finish the room, and they have better self-control than I do because they’ll wait to go in once Sweet Baby Secret-gender arrives. I’m excited, but I’m under the wire now too. I have to finish painting and distressing the dresser AND the headboard, finish shopping for the room, and I”m going to sew the window treatment and throw pillows for this one too. (As a general rule, I don’t do all the sewing at all…so if you hire me, please don’t ask….this is a special exception.) It’s a lot to accomplish…especially when my Hubs has some plans this weekend and won’t be able to help out with the kids as much as usual.
To steal a phrase from a very wise little blue engine…. “I think I can…I think I can…I think I can.”
One I reach the other side of the mountain and am puff puff chug chugging down to take all the goodies to the boys and girls there…I’ll show you some good pictures. (Here’s to hoping those pictures include one with a healthy me… SANS nasal plug!) Can’t show you all that goodness now though because what if my friend was reading?! And besides, even if she doesn’t…it just seems horribly unfair for hundreds of people to know her baby’s gender before she does! So I’m keeping quiet. But I still had to tell you about the fun project anyhow!
Next week is a week of fun projects…fashion and nurseries. Yes….that’s good! See you then!
HILARIOUS, Logan! Girl, I was thinking about the tampon thing when you were telling me this morning. Funny you were trainer for basketball, I was a stat girl.
LOVE Basketball (i’m from kentucky, its a requirement)
BTW- banana bread CHANGED MY LIFE today. Now I NEED the recipe. Yippee for RUM! LOL (did I capitalize enough on this? can you tell i was excited??? haha)
STOP IT! Poor thing I hate you’re sick but girl as if I didn’t already love you let’s just say “You had me at…..that picture”! Josh makes so much fun of me b/c at first sign of a nasal drip I totally insert what we call the “nosepon”
Hope you feel better soon!
Nosepon….LOVE IT! That’s what I’m gonna have to call it now!