I don’t really have the blues today. In fact, I’m pretty excited that I got to “sleep in” til 7:30 this morning…how about that for a whopping good time?! Happy Labor Day to everyone! I don’t really even know why we celebrate Labor Day. I guess I should look it up on Wikipedia or something. Ok, I will…but later.
I am actually a little bummed this morning though because our family had some seriously fun plans for today. We’d planned to head up the road a little over an hour to the Biltmore House and take advantage of the season passes we bought last year a few more times before they expire. We had great plans to bike around outside, take a picnic, go to the really beautiful petting zoo there, and generally get outside and enjoy the day.
That’s not going to happen after all though because of this:
Yeah…that’s some serious rainfall. And we’re in the 10″ plus zone too. So now on to plan B. Except there isn’t a plan B.
The Hubs has the day at home, Tid Bit doesn’t have school, and now our big plan for the day isn’t going to include anything outside. BUMMER! There are inside places we could go I’m sure…the Upstate Children’s Museum (which is amazing…UH-Mazing…but would be grossly over-crowded even if it were actually open on Mondays), there are arcade and bounce house type places that crawl with loads of people and suck your money right out of you (wow…doesn’t that sound fun?!), or there’s stay at home and get crafty…which sounds fine with me, but my Hubs is a get-out-and-do kind of guy and will get so antsy by about 1pm that he’ll practically break out in a rash from being stuck inside the house.
So right now around Casa de Wolfram…we’re trying to figure out how to make the most of this rainy day and haven’t hit on our great plan yet. I’m sure it won’t involve much time in front of a TV though because that’s just not how we roll. But, the season of hurricanes and heavy rains is upon us…I think we’re all gonna be looking for great things to do inside over the next month! And I’m curious from all of you (especially ones with small children)….What do you do to make the most of rainy days stuck inside? Leave me a comment and let me know?
**It’s now 2pm and so far today we made blueberry pancakes this morning, had a silly string war in the kitchen, made pillow and blanket forts, read some books, made macaroons, and then ran a couple of errands when it wasn’t raining. Now it’s time for naps…for all of us! Been a fun day, but still wish we’d been able to do our bike ride/picnic! And now that we’re back home, the monsoons have come…it’s raining something fierce here right now. Here’s to hoping our septic tank doesn’t fill up…AGAIN!
So far today we have made crepes,had a disney parade, made a huge fort in the den, played battleship and connect four. yep, it’s only 10:30am. We may have already ran out of our best ideas!!:) Rest time after lunch will probably be family movie time with Treasure Island. And the crafts will be coming out anytime now since it’s pretty much a daily event in our house.
Movies with fresh-baked cookies and homemade popcorn, blanket forts, acting out your favorite book (or just reading it!), making sugar cookies and decorating with mutli-colored frosting, card games, fuse beads, and really, I don’t know who I’m kidding: I let my campers go play in the rain if its not thundering or lightning! I have had some awesome mud fights in the rain!