Once in awhile, in the midst of pursuing doing something that you love… and persevering through the parts that you hate of doing the thing that you love, you find something that can entirely eliminate the parts that you hate from the thing that you love…and that…well, that is just pure love leftover.
I found something like that. And no…it’s not a robot that cleans my house in order to help make it a home (but that would be great.) What I found is called Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. I’ve talked about it before HERE and HERE.
I LOVE refinishing furniture. And because in my real life job I hold the title of ” Chief Executive Mommy” and thereby don’t have loads of extra free time on my hands, I hated…I mean hated having to spend extra time stripping, or sanding, and priming furniture before transforming it into something amazing. In the whole grand scheme of time spent refinishing a piece, easily 50% or more of my time was being spent on the prepping part instead of the prettying part. And I really like the prettying part the best.
Then, I read about Annie Sloan Chalk Paint on Miss Mustard Seed’s blog. Now there is a lady who can absolutely dominate a piece of sad looking furniture with amazingness! If you don’t know about her…well, you should. And while I’m talking about people I know of who can dominate sad furniture with amazingness, also check out Barb Blair at Knack Studios. Her amazingness was featured in Southern Living and Garden & Gun magazines recently…plus, she’s a local gal in addition to being an artistic furniture dominator.
What I wanted to tell you though is that I also LOVE Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. And just a couple of weeks ago, I made a new friend in town, Jennie Gainey of Jennie Leigh Design, who has just become an Annie Sloan Stockist. (You can’t just buy this amazing paint anywhere…people have to be trained and approved stockists!) But I can drive to get it now instead of having to order it…and that’s pretty exciting for me!
Part of the greatness of this paint is that woodwork NEEDS NO PRIMING, and NO PREPARATION as it will stick to almost everything… old waxed pine, melamine and varnished wood included. It is an Eco-friendly water based paint and you can even wash your brushes out in water when you’re done.
The other greatness of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint is how amazing it looks finished. You can use the paint without sealing it, but Annie Sloan makes waxes that honestly give an almost velvety patina to the finished product. Both the waxes and paint are very user-friendly, it distresses like a dream (can be done by lightly rubbing with a sanding sponge,) and comes in a gorgeous array of colors that can make a statement as they come, or mixed together.
I painted this piece in a combination of Annie Sloan Old White and Paris Grey and I absolutely adore the way it turned out. Still needs a piece of glass in the front, but you get the idea.
I could show you more pieces I’ve done now, but that’d rob me of the suspense of future posts, and really, by this point in the week-o-celebratory-giveaways you’re likely curious to find out exactly what I’m giving away.
So without further ado, and certainly not without massive thanks to Jennie Leigh Design, one of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint’s newest full stockists, for sponsoring this giveaway, we give you….1 qt of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint (in any color you choose,) and 1 Annie Sloan wax (your choice of clear or dark wax.)
So here’s how to enter (this giveaway is open to US residents only. I’m sorry to my far away peeps…I do love you though):
Mandatory Entry: Go to the Jennie Leigh Design website, browse around, and choose the Annie Sloan Chalk Paint color and wax you’d hope to win. Come back here to Life for Dessert and leave a comment letting us know your paint and wax color choices, as well as what you plan to paint?!
- For extra entries leave separate comments detailing each action: You can earn 1 extra entry for each action taken, for a total of SIX extra entries…1) Follow Life for Dessert on Google Friend Connect, 2) Like Jennie Leigh Design on Facebook, 3) Like Life for Dessert on Facebook, 4) Subscribe to receive the Life For Dessert feed (it’s in the sidebar on the top right), 5) Share this link on your own Facebook wall, 6) Tweet this link to all of your followers.
Ok friends. Happy entering! This giveaway will end exactly one week from the time stamp of this entry post which will be next Wednesday, August 31 at 6am. Don’t forget to come back tomorrow too…I’m not done celebrating my new site yet! More fun giving away to come!!!! (You still have time to enter both the Gussy Sews Giveaway from Monday, and the Red Letter Words Giveaway from yesterday too!)
First of all, I have to pick myself up off the floor – that piece of furniture you Annie-Sloan’ed is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! WOW!
I can’t wait to try the Paris Grey and Soft Wax on a dining room hutch I plan to repurpose into a bedroom entertainment center.
Congrats on the new site. Love it!
Thanks so much Carole! I found that piece for an absolute steal too….it’s one I don’t think I’ll be parting with!
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I like Antibes green and clear wax!
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Giveaway mentioned on my new FB page…to all six fans. LOL
Emperor’s Silk would completely transform that ol’ picnic table out back!
Hi, I’m local to Greenville as well. Love some ASCP! I’d like Duck Egg or Pure White if she has that already. I think it’s going to be avaliable Sept.1st. Thanks for the giveaway!
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I love the idea of painting an old piece red so Emperor’s Silk and Dark Wax are what I will use. The piece is a hutch, maybe like a secretary of some sorts that was built by my husband’s grandfather out of whatever wood he could find. It is at least 60 years old and looks rough but I am sure it will look great with some Annie Sloan Emperor’s Silk and Dark Wax.
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Paris Grey and dark wax. (Truly I want EVERY color.)
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Hi Logan – I love the Greek Blue color. I have a dresser in my hallway upstairs I’d like to paint. But you know that if I actually won the paint, I would be asking you over to decide which color I should choose so we will cross that bridge if we come to it! Ha!
I have a sample sheet that we can look at in your house! The Greek Blue is gorgeous. I just bought the Aubusson so that’s my next project!
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OMGosh! I am SO in love with Arles and would love the Dark Wax!! Super awesome giveaway cute lady!
I like the Provence color. I’d like to redo a small table my kids use as an art table that I refinished years ago. It’s just plain walnut brown right now.
Pick me, pick me! I feel like Donkey on Shrek. I would love some Duck Egg and dark wax, but I am hoping to try a few others even if you don’t pick me. Thanks for finding Jennie – and Jennie, thanks for playing along!
Should add – would paint my FIL’s desk and the chest I bought at Goodwill for starters. But, I am known to paint anything that stands still long enough!
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I like Jennie’s FB page – but last week – does that count?
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I can’t wait to try this paint! I love to go “picking” at yard sales and estate sales. I found a beautiful two seater bench at a yard sale for $35 in the spring and am dying to paint it (once my girls get back to preschool). I’m thinking French Linen with a soft wax. Logan, thanks so much for doing this blog and sharing the Anne Sloan site!
I’m in love with the Paris Grey paint and clear wax. I need to paint a little dresser I found to keep all of my craft supplies in!
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I have an antique dresser i use in my dining area for kitchen storage. I have been wrestling with the color to paint it until now… I LOVE Antibes green chalk paint and soft wax! Fun.. Funky! Just my style! And who knows… Maybe my antique sewing table would love an update too?!
I am following you now… :). This is so funny adding all of these comments.. I feel like a stalker.. Hahaha But if it increases my chances- I’m totally stalking! Lol
HAHA! That’s funny. I don’t think you’re a sketchy stalker…no worries!
I love the Paloma and clear wax and hope to re-do my nightstand. I found our Annie Sloan stockist but she is out in Leesburg!!
Lu, most of them will ship…but if you have to order and pay shipping, Jennie is UH-mazing! You’d love her!
I love the Louis Blue & Antibes Green. I would mix the clear and dark wax. I have a few dressers and a bed to paint. Thanks for the chAnce to win!
I would love to redo an old china cabinet in Greek Blue and the dark wax ! Thanks so much !!
Paris Grey & the dark wax for two Italian bedside tables in need of an update.
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I would like paris grey and clear wax to use on my $2 flea market chair! I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for this one
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Thanks for the sweet love miss Logan!
You are so welcome lady! You and Marian are my furniture refinishing pedestal ladies (you know, the ones I aspire to create as beautifully as)…got to give the kudos where they are due! It’s so fun how everyone has different styles that somehow evolve with it all though. Gonna call you soon about that coffee now that I’m getting used to the school schedule and all!
Hi Logan,
Nice blog, girl! I have not refinished Bill’s mom’s bedroom furniture because of all the prep work I would have to do. This paint sounds wonderful. If I was so fortunate to win some, I would love the Graphite and clear wax. Maybe I would then become so inspired to do it!!!
Thanks Susan! This product really is amazing…I absolutely love it and a little goes a long way too. The graphite is so gorgeous too….it’s on my list of colors to do soon! Taking the prep work out leaves room for just all the fun! That’s worth it’s weight in gold for me!
I need Louis Blue, Old Ocre paint, and clear wax for an armoire I’m transforming.
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I could use some clear wax and the Aubusson blue for my coffee table. Really needing to transform this sucker!
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LOGAN!!! I love your blog, and I can’t believe I am just finding out about this paint. I feel like I have been deprived ! Tragic
I would love to win the Napoleonic Blue with the Dark Wax! Eeek, im pumped at the thought. I would refinish a oak coffee table that is just awaiting new life! WOOT!
Thank you so much! Love the enthusiasm!
Oh, Emperor’s Silk would look amazing in my kitchen!
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I would love to try Antibes green or the new Pure White! I have a buffet/dresser and a night stand I want to paint.
I cant wait to get the Pure White…it releases Sept 1 I believe!
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I subscribed! can you tell I want to win?
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Antibes Green and dark wax. I would love to get my hands on some ASCP!
Oh my goodness! This stuff sounds amazing. Wish I had known about it a few years ago when we painted 2 dressers for Caroline’s nursery. Anyway, I’m wanting to paint an old dresser for my new little one’s room and I think the greek blue with dark wax might be perfect. Now I just have 6 weeks to actually get it done before he arrives.
I think I’d pick Old Ochre, and the dark wax, but I’d have to have you help me choose for that dresser I showed you the photo of for the nursery!
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Liked your blog on FB! It’s a great blog, Logan! Also, I definitely need to talk to you about food allergies and living with them one of these days. I’m just distracted lately by the new baby coming soon.
Claire, Didn’t realize you were having another baby! Congratulations…little boys are so much fun. Get ready to hang onto your bootstraps tho…they’re wild! Would love to talk allergies with you anytime…shoot me an email and we’ll chat! Also, in another comment you mentioned only having 6 weeks to get the furniture done. Just fyi, the paint dries in just a couple of hours enough that you can sand, and then that part can be done pretty quickly. Have your hubs give you about 4 hours (total…not all together so your paint can dry) one day and you’ll get close to being done if you work fast! It really is the best product! And, a little goes a really long way too!
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Love Paris Gray to redo an end table.
I think Provence is my favorite!
just posted a piece I finished in Provence today on FB
by the way, that piece of furniture is gorgeous! i’ve never seen one like that, but love it!
thanks! It’s in the living room at my house…you’ll have to peek at it up close next time you’re here.
This inspires me to attempt to bring some new life into an old pine bench I have. It would look great in Antibes green with the clear wax!
Emperors silk…I LOVE Annie Sloan chalk paint! It is so easy to use!
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I have shared your fb page! I HOPE I win some paint!!
I love the Cream color Chalk Paint and the clear wax! If I won these I would paint an end table I just bought for my first apartment to place in my room!
I never see anyone with my same last name! Glad to know there is another Halberg in the world:)
I wondered if you were related! LOL!
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Country Grey and clear wax are my favorites! One day I would like to have a grey and yellow nursery, so I would use the paint for the trim on an old mirror and a dresser (which I have not found:)
I NEED Old Ochre!!
I would definately choose the Arles with clear wax!
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I’d love the Napoleonic Blue Chalk Paint & the Dark Wax….I picked up an old desk on Craigslist and I’d love to repaint it deep blue and use it as my office desk. It already has some great knobs and I think the blue is gorgeous.
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Chateau Grey and Dark Wax. Wow….this stuff looks amazing. The DH and I are renovating our 100 yr old Farm House after last year’s tornado damage. We love the antique and farm auctions (and garage sales)…..the Discovery of this Chalk Paint and Wax makes me hope for a bargain at this weeks auction….would love to try this sooner than later.
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Was just in the midst of trying to decide what to do to refinish an old yellowed secretary that I have on my patio but could not come up with the vision I wanted until I saw the Annie Sloan Chalk Paint colors. These are to die for. I would love to have the Clear Wax and the color that most inspired me would be Antibes Green. Of course, the Aries color might find its’ way to covering my armoire.
I adore “Provence.” Going to head to estate sales soon to find a china cabinet for the corner of my dining room. My wrought iron dining table is painted cherry red with white leather seats and I’ve got the sweetest table cloth from April Cornell. Yummy!
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Primer Red and Dark Wax seems like the perfect solution for an antique short armoire that I recently found at a tag sale. Need something to make it “pop” and the black just isn’t working!
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I have been dying to get my hands on the Paris Grey ASCP for FOR-EV-ER! Thanks for a great giveaway
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I liked Jennie Leigh Design on Facebook! Fingers crossed!
I love the Paris grey and clear wax, I want to redo our old living room furniture that desperately need updating! Or maybe I could find a better piece at a thrift store to redo, so many ideas are going throu my mind now!
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I am obsessed with this paint & am happy to have a new source for it! LOVE what you have done with your pieces- BEAUTIFUL! I am dying for the Duck Egg Blue & Clear wax!
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