I made it to Uganda! And let me tell you that it was nothing short of a miracle to get a new passport and then onto a flight that only had 1 seat left. Moment after moment, I saw the faithfulness of God hovering over every step to get me here.
I have to believe that with that much standing in my way, trying to keep my feet from walking this red dirt, God must have something great for me here because plans of the Lord are known to Him. He makes no mistakes… and those plans are to prosper us…to give us future and hope.
So I with a joyful heart and tearful eyes… His plans did indeed include getting me here.
* * *
Today we went into the village of Wakisi where Sole Hope has recently cultivated a relationship through a connection to the local chairman. The moment we drove into the village, hundreds of young children, wearing brightly colored yet tattered school uniforms, began to jump up and down and wave to us.
The light in their eyes gave way to joyful smiles and laughter as we exited the vans and began to set up the stations for the shoe clinic.
Small stools sat opposing long wooden benches with basins of soapy water spanning the divide between. Basins of clean water, soap, and scrub brushes promising newness and hope for the worn and sometimes deformed feet of these precious children.
The washing station…where we stooped low to become the hands and feet of Jesus.
Scrubbing caked-on dirt, gently splashing water to clean open sores, rubbing soap into crevices,
and sometimes tickling tiny toes to elicit a smile or laughter.
As I bent over the feet of the children today, my heart was humbled to commune in this way with my beloved Jesus, who said to Peter in John 13:8, “If I do not wash your feet, you have no part with me.”
As we stooped low, He was elevated high through our love and care of His babes in Wakisi. We took part in the person of Jesus today… we became the tangible love of our first love… and the humility I saw on the faces of the women stooped beside me was among the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.
Sometimes we could feel the bumps as we washed…indicating the infestation of jiggers into the calloused skin of their small feet. As my fingers rubbed over each bump, my heart broke as I knew the pain that it caused, and the shame they carry because of the belief that jiggers are a sign of witchcraft…a supposed cursing of God’s beloved.
Once a child’s feet are washed, he or she is carried to the second station where the jiggers are removed using sterilized safety pins and small razor blades.
Many of the children’s faces were tough and nearly stoic as workers carefully removed 3-4 millimeter egg sacs from the soles of their feet and between their toes. Some of the cases were worse than others, with chunks of flesh attached around the egg sacs, leaving gaping holes where the insects had taken up residence.
All of the children we treated today were between probably 5-8 years old. Nearly the same ages as my own children.
And my mama heart broke, and salty tears streamed as I lifted sobbing child after child into my lap and told them in their native language Luganda, “I will comfort you.”
When the removal was finished, we carried the children to the shoe fitting station where each child received a new pair of shoes made from durable American denim.
Something happens in that transition…when shame and pain are left in the trash bins with removed egg sacs and bloody gauze.
Joy returns as a new freedom is found…as a new hope is restored.
You’ve turned my tears of sadness into such joy and gladness…my heart can’t keep it in, I’m shouting…shouting! *
Sometimes…with the Lord…availability is the only real ability that we can offer.
Want to help and be a part of this amazing work that Sole Hope is doing?! Host a shoe cutting party and turn your old jeans…the fat jeans you’re proud to be out of…or the skinny ones from high school that are in all honesty a distant memory…into shoes for the children of Uganda. Turn your excess into their hope for a joy filled future. Give them back the childhood that foot related disease robs them of enjoying.
I see heaven, invading this place,
I see angels, praising your Holy name
And I sing praises, I sing praises,
I give you honor, Worthy Jesus
I see Glory, Falling in this place.
I see hope restored, healing of all disease.
And I sing praises, I sing praises,
I give you honor, worthy Jesus **
Mo | Wynne | Cara | Melissa | Erika | Carey
be sure to follow all the other amazing gals on our trip by clicking this link: #bloghope
** Brian and Katie Torwalt – I See Heaven
I love you, I love this, good, good work! Keep on, sister!
i love it sweet friend! you do good work. xoxo still praying for you!
oh Logan! tears… i LOVE this… how you spoke to them in their native language, how Jesus is in your face, just exploding in the joy and the hugs… keep loving hard friend. beautiful, just beautiful.
this is beautiful. and your smile? joy-filled!
Oh my stars… I can clearly see why the enemy wanted you nowhere near there… His love and light exude out of you, my friend! So much love… so much hope restored! Love this!
Oh Logan the story is already beautiful and the hope is palpable. This journey of yours and all of yall is sacred and glory filled. Be safe. Be blessed.
Oh sweet Logan! Praising Him for getting you there and praising Him for giving you the opportunity to serve Him. I have just boo-hooed and broken into huge smiles of joy seeing these pictures. I may have to take a break for a bit! Please know that we are continuing to cover y’all in prayer. Lots of hugs!!!
Logan, I’m wiping away my tears as I write this. I’m so glad that you made it Uganda despite your passport troubles. I love your laugh and smile. I just know you are comforting those children as you serve them. Thank you for going and telling all of us what you are experiencing. We need to know, we need to pray, we need to help. Thank you for helping us know how.
I am proud of you babe for being fully present (and available) there, and loving those around you well. So excited that you are there and cannot wait to keep following along until you are back here with us
Love you honey!!! I miss you guys! Kiss those sweetie boys of ours for me lots!
I am crying – this is so so good. Love the work the Lord is doing in Uganda and in and through you!
Beautiful!!! Oh my heart breaks and rejoices at the same time. To be there, thank you!! For sharing this and loving on them!
Logan, I was so happy to see your post during the night that you had arrived! And wow! What a first day’s work! Heartbreaking to hear what these sweet children endure, but so uplifting to hear “the rest of the story” and see all the smiling faces – including yours! Praying for good rest for you tonight, and looking forward to tomorrow’s treasures! Love you!
Tears of joy mingled with pain stream down my face, loved this post and I love that heart of yours! Praying for you and can’t wait to read more about your trip.
Love, love, love. How beautiful. What a wonderful update! Thank you for bringing the work of Sole Hope to life with words here.
Just know my heart and my prayers are with you there! xoxo
I love this Logan!! Thank you so much for serving the Lord, it’s a beautiful thing!
Tears of gratitude to be part of this through you! Thank you, Jesus
My name is Fran and I am friends with Dedra Herod. She “introduced” us and I’m so thrilled to follow your journey while you are in Uganda. I went to Uganda last summer for my very first mission trip. I’m in love.
The place, the people, the culture, the sights, and even the smells…I’m hooked. I am praying for you and just LOVE seeing these pictures. My heart all but aches to be back. Africa does that to us doesn’t it? Thank you for bringing us along and allowing us to encourage you and pray for all of you. I’m also learning about SoleHope. I want to get involved. I’m going to dig around and see how it works for us back in the States. Keep working sister…He is shining beautifully through you.
Fran Thomas
Jackson, TN
I love you sista! I love your willingness to be the hands and feet of Jesus! I love the joy on your face. I love your heart to serve these children! I love the tears you have brought me today! I love those sweet children’s faces! I love the sacrifice you have made to be available. I love our God who chooses to use us, His children, to do His work! I love you and can’t wait to hear more !
I had tears in my eyes reading this, Logan. These are beautiful pictures, both in their own right and because of the story they tell. And I’m glad you were able to get to Uganda quickly!
We are so proud to call you our friend! Your pictures speak of your kindness and gentleness that we know well. Thanks for sharing your story with us. We teared up tonight seeing all of your pics!! Wish we were there to experience it with you. We love you and look forward to hearing the stories of lives that were touched by the goodness of our God through you and the Sole Hope team.
Love you,
Rich and JoAnna
This is amazing. This is God breathed. This is inspiring and humbling. This is what I want to do.
Thank you for sharing in words and pictures what can be done for the least of these!
You are my favorite thang, Logan. I love seeing your Mama heart do its work. This post is wonderful.
Hi Logan! We’ve never met, but I feel like we’re friends. I was at Allume last year and got to be part of what God did through you there. And now I am thrilled for those beautiful kids who get to be part of what God does through you there. Thank you.
Incredible, Logan! Love the pictures – they bring tears to my eyes! So incredible!
P.S. – enjoyed having your littlest man over yesterday!! He’s doing great!!
Mercy. Weeping. Such beautiful words and images. Those brown faces open my heart and make me squeeze my own tight today. Beautiful post, friend.
I feel like I’m there with you- your words are so powerful. Thank you for taking us with you on this journey. I’m so excited to continue to watch Him mold and shape you! Love you, sister!
This is beautiful…your availability and what Sole Hope is doing…you are brave…it must have been hard to see the kids suffer then joyful at their response in receiving the shoes