My dear friend, Melissa, went to be with Jesus yesterday.
Brokenhearted doesn’t really begin to touch the way we’ve all been feeling.
Our group of friends has fought with her for nearing 2 years now. We’ve watched children, and taken meals. We’ve been on our knees… praying and texting scriptures with truth and encouragement between us for months. And Melissa has been the most valiant warrior through it all. She held on to hope and to Jesus the whole way. She’s been strong and courageous and spunky. She inspires us all with her faith and her fight.
I am privileged to call her friend. Privileged to journey with her…to do life with her…to adventure with her…and to fight with and for her. Truly…it’s been an absolute honor.
And now…she’s doing great! She’s healed, and whole, and dancing with Jesus. She’s celebrating in heaven!
But there are those of us left behind. There are these sweet little people who will do life now without this incredible woman around.
There’s her strong and courageous husband who will learn how to tie hairbows and match shoes. Who will do the work of 2 as just one. Who will raise these 3 sweet children without his best friend and wife of nearly 19 years. He will go this journey without her, but he will not be alone.
Her parents have lost a daughter…and 2 amazing women have lost their sister.
And her friends…we’re here…and we miss her. We asked her to share her heart for her kids with us, and we committed to her to pray HER heart for HER children their whole lives long. So while Melissa isn’t here anymore with us…she will NOT be forgotten. And the legacy that she created and lived will long surpass her too-short 40 years on this earth. Long surpass.
Melissa shared recently with my friend Milly how she wanted to have a party sometime with the song from the movie Rio playing and everyone dancing. The Lord gave Milly a picture that she shared with us last night of Melissa whole and vibrant in heaven…a flowing colorful skirt, a flower in her hair, and a smile upon her face…dancing and twirling around to the song. So Milly looked up the words to the song and downloaded it for us all to hear.
It was the first time I’ve ever imagined the party in heaven with such vibrancy. I guess maybe I always imagine some angelic choir that’s peaceful and stunningly beautiful. I’ve never thought of it as tribal and exciting…but last night when I heard this song…and thought of Melissa and her love of birds…I saw heaven with new eyes. And I saw her dancing and twirling and pain-free. As we listened to Milly read the words, and then heard the song…I saw it all…and while this heart of mine misses my friend, and aches for her family…there is a part of me that sees her now at the greatest party of all…that you won’t find anywhere else.
All the birds of a feather
Do what they love most of all
We are the best at rhythm and laughter
That’s why we love carnival
Possibly we can sing too
Sun and beaches, they coo
Dance to the music, passion and love
Show us the best you can do
Everyone here is on fire
Get up and join in the fun
Dance with a stranger, romance and danger
Magic could happen for real in Rio
All by itself, you can’t see it coming
You can’t find it anywhere else
It’s real in Rio, know something else
You can feel it happen, you can feel it all by yourself
All the birds of a feather
Do what they love most of all
Moon and the stars, sun and guitars
That’s why we love carnival
Loving our life in the jungle
Everything’s wild and free
Never alone ’cause this is our home
Magic can happen for real in Rio
All by itself, you can’t see it coming
You can’t find it anywhere else
Here everybody loves samba, I like the samba
Rhythm you feel in your heart, I’m the samba master
Beauty and love, what more could you want?
Everything can be for real in Rio
Here’s something else
You just feel it happening
You won’t find it anywhere else
Cheers to you Melissa! I raise a glass and my heart and I thank you for how your friendship has changed me…and how it will continue to change me. I love you my friend, and my heart soars when I think of the dancing that you are doing now. Kiss my babies in heaven for me? We’ll be loving on yours here. I celebrate your wholeness and your dancing. You fought the good fight…and your legacy is an enormous footprint in the Kingdom of Heaven!
*Please pray for Melissa’s family? Lift them up to heaven? Pray comfort and peace and understanding over them? Pray strength and wisdom over her husband? Pray for sweet memories of their mother to stick hard in the minds of these precious little ones? For confidence that they each know how deeply they were loved and cherished. Join me to pray for this family…for my friends.
Now close your eyes and listen to this song…imagine heaven maybe like never before. A carnival! It’s so so good…
Oh, Logan. Tears hear. Praying for this sweet family, and for you.
Oh Logan. There are not words. One of our friend’s from church’s husband went home yesterday too. He had been struggling in ICU for over a week and he’s been a paraplegic for years….the ‘dancing’ in heaven applies so perfectly to Mark as well. Thank you for sharing your heart. I have no doubt Melissa has already scooped up your babies and told them all about you and how much you love them.
until then, friend. until then.
Wow…tears are pouring down as I think of her husband and her precious children who will grow up without her
Praying God wraps his arms around this family with love and peace and comfort.
Throughout this tribute to your dear friend and in this journey of grief, I find my way to my knees for her family and for you.
Logan. I am so so so so sorry. I love you, dear friend.
I’m praying for her family.
Logan, I am sad that your are hurting. You are a good friend.
Oh! What a lovely tribute to a gorgeous woman. I cannot wait to meet her someday! May we all be remembered as lovingly as Melissa. I will be praying for her hubby and beautiful babies!
My heart just breaks for those sweet babes and a Daddy now raising them alone. I hurt for you and your friends and all those who have lost a piece of our hearts and hopes to cancer and disease and the wasting away of our bodies. Praying for you today, Logan, and for this hurting family. What an absolute gift you are giving those kids by praying their Mama’s heart for them, now and always, just like she would have.
I’m so sorry. I’ve been reading along and praying for you. What a mystery that with God, all things are possible.
Love you.
You know I’m praying. Know I’ve cried for you all, especially Melissa’s family. But what sticks out most is your commitment to keep telling Melissa’s story to her children, you friends loving her kids like your own. That right there is pure gold! You are Being the likeness of God.