About a week ago, I shared with you some of the fun things I’d gotten in the mail recently! One item was the diaper/wipe wristlet I’d ordered from Gussy Sews (that giveaway from yesterday is still open by the way), and the other was this fabulous cafe print I’d ordered as an anniversary present for the Hubs from Red Letter Words.

Red Letter Words 12x12 Cafe Print
I first discovered Red Letter Words through another blog a few months back, and ever since, I have found myself revisiting the site and regularly drooling over all the gorgeous and inspiring print options that she offers.
If I could get another one (which I probably will in the not-so-distant-future,) it’ll likely be this one to hang in my kitchen….or foyer…or guestroom…or anywhere really.
Ahhh…. I LOVE that!
I’m a fan of scripture in my home anyway, and Dee from Red Letter Words makes it so lovely, and eye-catching, and tasteful looking. As much as it does for my decor, it does more for my heart to walk by and be reminded of the truths and encouragements that God has for us in Scripture. I know lots of people who have this next common verse displayed in their homes, but check out how cool it looks when Dee does it up right!
Red Letter Words has loads of beautifully printed scriptures to choose from! Seriously…lots!
Maybe you’re not into Scripture in your home, but love the look of this stuff….well, not to worry, Red Letter Words has so many things to choose from!
Let’s say you’re a Bostonian transplanted to Atlanta and love the idea of being reminded of home. This print from the Travel Collection might just be the nostalgia you’re looking for on your den wall.
Perhaps you just need to be reminded at the office to hang onto your dreams, and that punching keys all day long isn’t your be-all, end-all…but still you can keep calm and carry on.
Whatever you’re looking for, there are plenty of beautiful things to choose from. And if she doesn’t have what you want, not to worry, Dee does custom orders!
You know, sometimes you read about a person too, and just the way she describes herself and her motivation behind her business makes you want to buy the product. I LOVE LOVE LOVE what Dee says about herself:
“I’m a child of God, a wife, a mom of four, a friend, a daughter, a sister, an artist, and somebody who believes in the power of the Word, that God qualifies the called, that our gifts and talents should be shared, and that there is a time and a purpose for everything. Maybe you’re the same way. My hope is that my art connects people to the unchanging truth of God’s word and reminds them just how much God loves them.”
Me too Dee….I am the same way (with half the amount of kids), but I think you said it better!
I think Dee knows exactly how to enjoy her Life for Dessert, largely in part because she celebrates the gifts the Lord has given her and delights in His words over her! I’m so pleased to be able to give away a 12×12 Cafe Print of your choice from her lovely store Red Letter Words. And, if you ever wondered how the God of all creation feels about you my friends….well, let me just say “the writing is on the wall!” (And can be on your own wall too!)
Here’s how to enter to win the 12×12 Cafe Print of your choice from Red Letter Words (this giveaway is open to US residents only and does not include custom orders):
Mandatory Entry: Go to Red Letter Words, browse around, and choose the 12×12 Cafe Print you would most like to win. Come back here to Life for Dessert and leave a comment letting me know your chosen item (and because I’m curious, why it would be special to you!)
- For extra entries leave separate comments detailing each action: You can earn 1 extra entry for each action taken, for a total of SIX extra entries…1) Follow Life for Dessert on Google Friend Connect, 2) Follow Red Letter Words on Twitter, 3) Like Life for Dessert on Facebook, 4) Subscribe to receive the Life For Dessert feed (it’s in the sidebar on the top right), 5) Share this link on your own Facebook wall, 6) Tweet this link to all of your followers.
Ok friends. Happy entering! This giveaway will end exactly one week from the time stamp of this entry post (which for those of you who don’t want to figure it out, that’ll be Tuesday August 30th at 6am.) I’ll announce the winner that day. Don’t forget to come back tomorrow too…I have more fun giveaways still in store!
OK, I”ve been looking at her stuff for a super long time now and LOVE it. I can’t pick one favorite so the ones I like the best are
Jeremiah 29:11
Jeremiah 31
Jeremiah 1:9
Micah 6:8
And I like the “my house modern” too but it doesn’t come in 12×12! 🙂
OH, and I didn’t say why they would be special. Each one certainly has it’s own reason but overall I love the idea of scripture in our house for us and our children to see daily I love the little reminders of God’s goodness and faithfulness in our lives.
Ok, and I finally followed you with Google friend connect:). Not sure that should win me an extra entry since I really should have already done that friend!! I’m a slacker, I know/ ( or just another crazy busy mom :))
I subscribed and now you should really feel loved since I have spent hours unscubscribing to things over the last few weeks trying to simplify! 🙂 Oh, what we’ll do for the love of a friend ( and ok, some free awesome artwork:))
Ok, now we’re double friends on facebook. I liked you there too! 🙂
I love the Red Letter Words artwork!! I would love many of them! My favorite is Psalm 1 but that does not come in a 12×12. If I had to choose a 12×12 I would probably choose the Fruits of the Spirit. Great website!
I would love the Micah verse. It is such a good reminder for me of God’s nearness.
I follow Red Letter Words on twitter.
Hebrews 13:2
I love these too! I love love love two of them!
Rejoice Today
Fruit of the Spirit with the Pear
I like them because I try to always remind my little one about both of these and we sing the songs to help her remember them!
i already liked you on facebook, and i just shared your link on my page! GIve me a minute to subscribe!
ok i did google connect and subscribed! I agree with Emily I should have already done this too!
just subscribed!
shared your link! (sorry saw that you wanted them separate entries! I am slow before my coffee!)
I would choose Phil. 4:13 because we repeatedly come up against things in our lives that are too hard – for us: aging gracefully, battling illness, overcoming our own ungodly inclinations, forgiving unilaterally…… and that verse is a reminder that although those things are too hard for us, they can still be accomplished.
Philippians 4:8 because I need it in front of my anxious, ungrateful, face ALL the time!
Thanks for sharing this website. I have been wondering how to add scripture to my walls without having to paint it there myself. Great artwork! I like Joshua 1:9 – We have a “school” area that we use for notes, backpacks, shoes, ect – it is the last thing we see before we walk out the door to start our day. I think this scripture would add a lot to this space:) Thanks again for sharing!
1 Thessalonians 5-16
A beautiful reminder of all I learned from One Thousand Gifts!
Keep and Calm and Carry On….need to be reminded of that give or take 12 hours of the day. I’d like that for a banner over my house.
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Not to mention, wordpress just told me to”slow down. you’re leaving comments too quickly.” Well, then.
I like the apples of gold…
First, love your blog! Second, also love Red Letter Words. I especially love the Fruits of the Spirit, the one with the pear. It is a good reminder of how we have been gifted. I would put it on the wall in my kitchen where I/we could be reminded that our spiritual food produces a satisfaction and completeness that physical food cannot. It would also remind me to employ them as I start the day with that 1st cup of coffee:)
Thanks Kim! So fun to have people from all throughout my life reading along! Love that the relationships we make still bring us joy years later! Your comment today made my heart smile!
The fruit of the Spirit would be an awesome reminder for me and our whole family and would be so perfect in our kitchen…
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I want the Hope Over Fear print.
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LOVE her stuff!
I’d totally get “my beloved is mine and i am his” and hang it in our bedroom!
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I love Philippians 4:8 and Micah 6:8, and “She knew she was here for such a time as this.” Because I need to be reminded of them all. Because I’m a mess. 🙂
I should note for all of cyberspace that you are not in fact a mess crazy girl! Not anymore than anyone else anyways! HA! 🙂
rss feed done.
following on twitter.
I would have to have the 1 Thessalonians 5-16… that was my NICU verse!
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I’m a follower.
hey Logan! looks like i’m the only dude, but no shame in that at all…
i would get the “worth more than rubies” for my bride – she is!
i already like “life for desert” on facebook!
i already subscribe to the feed!
I love the Fruit of the Spirit with the apple. We are planning a kitchen re-do for next summer and this would be a great piece to be inspired by and keep our focus where it needs to be.
ahhh….a kitchen re-do….be still my heart!
Logan I’ll come back to enter but wanted to say that I love the new site!
Thanks Nat! This giveaway will be open til next Wed, so you still have time. Have other fun ones from other days this week that’ll be open a few more days too…so you can enter them all! 🙂
i think I would choose the “It is Written” or Ephesians 3:20 because they’re awesome 🙂
i liked you on facebook 🙂
I love the Fruits of the Spirit with Pear for a kitchen. I’ve had a blank canvas for 5 years now waiting for me to paint Zeph 3:17 on it, so I should safe myself the undone-project-guilt and get her beautiful painting of it! p.s. Loving your blog, Logan, since I never see you anymore!
I would choose the one that reads “Rejoice Always, Pray without Ceasing, in everything give thanks” or the Fruit of the Spirit! Such a hard choice! The Lord has called us to pray daily, and through that pressing in everyday perseverance will become even more developed in our hearts, something that is so incredibly crucial for the coming day when Jesus returns!!!
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I like the Hebrews 3:12, because it sums up my heart for others & a good reminder to have on the wall.
WOW, I absolutely love the Red Letter Word “She knew that she was worth far more than rubies.” It would be special to me, because the Lord has been teaching me so much about His deep deep love for me over the last few years of following Him, and repeatedly telling me I am His jewel. I love to hear Him tell me that, so this would be a great reminder to me.
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Can I just say I love them all and it wouldnt matter which one I would win. I have on right now in my living room about the fruit of the spirit…I think I want one with the cute birdies for my bedroom…two are better than one! Love red letter art.
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Phillipians 4:8 because it is a favorite verse and a constant in our home with the kids.
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I’d choose “Wait Hope Expect” I think it’s a beautiful sentiment to have in my teenage daughter’s room. Sometimes I think she’s too anxious and could use the reminder that good things come to those that wait.
GFC follower (shel)
I follow Red Letter Words on Twitter @auntiethesis
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OK, to be honest, I would love any one of them. Since I have to choose…. Joshua 1:9. The Lord has led us all over the world, through some crazy times, and I don’t know where He’ll take us in the future. I love the reminder of this verse! He is with us, no matter what!
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Oh, wow! These are simply breathtaking. So many to choose from–I love them all–but Jeremiah 29:11 is my life verse so I’d probably have to go with it first. I also love the “it is written” one as well. THAT is truth!
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I’m signed up to receive the feed through email. Can’t wait!
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Micah 6:8~It’s one of the verses we’re clinging to throughout our adoption journey.
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I ADORE these prints! I am in the process right now of making God’s Living Word more visible in my home and THIS is PERFECT! I love “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind”, but I also love the “Hospitality” print because my girls and I are working on that as we speak! I will definantly be adding to my wish list . . . Mighty to Save and It is Written! Will direct my sweet hubby here for Christmas! What a wonderful eye you have!
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I’d pick the “She Knew…Rubies” for my daughter. She’s still little now, but I want her to grow up knowing how fearfully made she is in the LORD.
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I would love to have the “Fruit of the Spirit” print in my kitchen to serve as a reminder every morning and evening when I can often only hear myself think with the bustle of the house 🙂
GFC follower (Gia_Pet)
Facebook fan (Gia Patton-Judge)
I follow Red Letter Words on Twitter (@giapett)
These are awesome! I would choose Joshua 1:9. This is one of the first verses the Lord brought me to after I became a believer when I wading high school. It has always been a very special and meaningful verse to me.
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My favorite one (though I like many) is the fruit of the spirit. Our family is focusing on that right now.
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