I am woefully behind on all of the things I have to get done in the next couple of days. Thankfully tomorrow is Saturday and I’ll have my Hubs around to help. Laundry is still not caught up, my bedroom is an absolute mess, I’m not done with my sister’s baby shower invitations, and then our Christmas cards arrived in the mail yesterday (they turned out so great, I’m tickled to send them,) and that means that I have a gagillion to now stamp and address.
Today is my annual day of Christmas baking with my dear friend and soul sister of years, Emily. Back in 2000 we met and became fast friends. One of those friendships where it all falls into place literally in the first 5 minutes you’re talking… and here we are almost 12 years, a husband each, and 5 kids between us later…still doing our baking together annually. We’ve gotten it down to a science now, which is a good thing because with lots of kids running around underfoot, we have to be on the ball. Last year we make 40 gift boxes of goodies between us to give to friends and neighbors, and this year, we’re hoping to increase that number. We’ll see how it goes!
Anyhow…that means that my chance of catching up on laundry and cleaning today is not highly likely. It also means, that I’m not ready to show you my sister’s baby shower invitations. What can I say…real life once again trumping my ideas for a great blog post when I want it. We’ll get there eventually!
So, since I’m obviously behind on a few things…I thought I’d go ahead and show you some zoomed out pictures of a couple of rooms in my house. The kitchen is a mess right now, and you know about the current state of my bedroom. If you want to see my baby’s room, you can go HERE, and I did a post on my bedroom awhile back, so if you’re curious about that, you can go HERE. Tid Bit’s room is probably going to have to be a future post too, but for now it has some extra stuff accumulating in there to have made room in the den for our Christmas tree. See…real life.
But here’s our den…the room with the funky mantel.
I’ll do my best to get another picture facing the direction of the polkadot sofa, but for now, this side of the room has more decorations going on.
ere’s the top of my funky tree on the left…with mismatched lights and ornaments from my childhood, our travels, ones my kids have made…you know…all the good life stuff!
My living room tree on the right is much prettier…in a more subdued sort of way. Between the two though, my favorite is the funky one. It holds all of the memories.
And here’s a zoomed out picture of my living room. It’s the room that generally always is in order. It’s the place I go sit when grown-ups come over without kids…the place I go curl up to read when it’s quiet in my house. It feels good to me. And there isn’t a single toy in that room either…typically.
My dining room is a really neat color called Begonia. It doesn’t translate well in pictures, but it’s really exactly that color…begonia. Sort of pinkish with a tinge of salmon…it’s bright…it’s happy…and I like it.
You can see on the table some of the additional fun I had with the hymnals…I used spray glue and stuck overlapping sheets onto a runner that I made from brown craft paper. I did the same thing on my buffet and sideboard, and I LOVE the way it turned out. I’m not done messing with the centerpiece of the table yet…so excuse the unfinishedness of it.
You like the huge green power strip on the right? I knew you would! 🙂
Ok peeps…I have to get going on this day. I’m already pushing it to get out the door in time for school! I PROMISE I’ll show you my sister’s baby shower invitation and how to make one like it yourself on Monday!
Much love and have an awesome weekend!
(I’m linking up to Women Living Well Wednesdays below too! Check out all the fun projects other people in blogland have got goin!)