I have heard this verse a million times. “Walk by faith and not by sight.” (2 Cor 5:7) But I can honestly tell you that until recently, I don’t know that I’ve grabbed onto it very fully. I guess maybe I always think about life like a hike…that we trust where we’re walking without always having to know what lies around each bend. Oddly enough, I’m sort of ok with that. But recently, the Lord has been teaching me something different about this verse that I wanted to share.
As you all know, the past several months in my life have been a struggle to recover and move forward from my 4th miscarriage. This past Friday was my scheduled delivery date. It has definitely been a forward-moving crawl of progress, but I keep running into this place, this question… where I haven’t trusted what’s around each bend as easily as I have in the past. And the root question that I know is at the heart of it all is the Lord asking me, “Do you trust me?” I find myself honestly saying….”I’m not sure Lord….because look at all of this behind me.”
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To keep reading, check out what I wrote on Monday at Allume! (The story gets good….I promise!)
The truth is you do not need to see but so far ahead to drive a car on a path. Even if you could see far far ahead it would just distract you from making the right turns now and making the right choices with what is happening on your path. Knowing that God has the future covered gives us even more reason to be comfortable taking care of what lays in our path at the moment.