I woke up really early this morning kinda stressed over the Christmas party I’ve been planning. When I originally planned it, in my mind I was having it on a Friday night. When I sent the invitations, I was in such a tizzy to get it done amidst the other million things I’ve had on my plate lately, I sent the invitation dated for Saturday. And right after I sent it, I realized what I’d done. But I am from the South, and it’s kinda tacky to go about changing that sort of thing….especially once people have said that they can come. But as the responses have come rolling in, an overwhelming number of people have been super bummed to have conflicts that they are committed to for Saturday night. And so you know what….I did the unthinkable….I changed the date!
Yep…Logan Griswold here.
Bringing about tacky just in time for Christmas.
And you know what I decided. We’re throwing a party for other people to be able to come…and if the date is a big fat conflict for pretty much everyone who has responded thus far, well then….It’s my party, and I’ll change if I want to.
Truly though, I know it’s not that big of a deal to change. But, I REALLY hope that the 6 couples who had responded already that they could come to the Saturday night party aren’t now disqualified because of the change. If so…well, I owe you guys another party…so pick a reason to have one and we’ll do it.
By the way, looking at this picture above and seeing Ellen’s fabulous hair reminds me that I completely forgot to show you a picture of my fabulous hair when the Hubs and I recently went to a 1970’s themed Murder Mystery party.
Yes ladies and gentlemen….that would be my husband….dressed as his yuppie, tennis playing, alter-ego who we decided to name Gary P Knight III for the event. And just like my husband and I agree we would probably not have much liked one another had we met in our early college years when I partied too much and he had that awful long haircut that was shaved halfway underneath, our characters for the party would have probably not ended up together either…me a stylish feminist and him a tennis-playing yuppy. All’s well that ends well though…we both reverted to our normal selves who DO really like one another at the end of the evening.
And interestingly enough for this part…I didn’t have to buy a single thing. Thankfully fringed boots and graphic, kimono styled one-armed dresses are in again.
And while I’m on the topic of random things…I did a really cute craft with my kids yesterday that I thought I’d share with you. I don’t recommend doing this with almost-2-year-olds though because it does result in an unusually high number of candy cane casualties. My 5 year old loved it and we made 20 of them to give to his class at school for Christmas.
To make 1 of these cute Candy Cane Reindeer you’ll need:
- 2 candy canes
- 1 red pom pom
- 2 googly eyes
- 1 tiny bell
- 4 brown pipe cleaners
- 1 green pipe cleaner
I found it easiest to go ahead and twist the 4 brown pipe cleaners together prior to wrapping the candy canes. I did this long twisting step and began the wrapping process like you see above, and my son did the rest. It was easy, fun, and pretty cheap to do. Wrap the candy canes with the brown pipe cleaners, then thread the bell onto the green pipe cleaner to wrap for the belt. Glue on the eyes and nose and voila…easy peasy. If you have older kids though, I found that hot glue holds the stuff on better than Elmers….obviously. So if it were me just feeling the need to make loads of these guys by myself….I’d be hot gluing the heck out of them.
Well, I’m headed to the Biltmore House again today. Taking Tid Bit out of school and all going to see it decorated for Christmas. If you live close enough to go to Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC…I HIGHLY recommend it. Money well spent, and for just a total of $50 more for 1 couple, you can upgrade your daily pass to a season pass. We’ve LOVED having the opportunity to explore the grounds this year, see the small farm there, walk through the gardens, and enjoy the house. Time and money well spent for sure.
Ya’ll have a good weekend! I’ll show you pictures of my house all decorated this coming week!
Thanks for the craft idea! I think I’ll be doing that one in Abby’s class soon. I like it better than the standard single cane reindeer. Hope the BH was fun!
Was just at the Biltmore on the 3-4th! Would have been so great to see you! I liked the craft idea, too. Thanks for sharing.