Friends…amidst endless piles of laundry yesterday I found myself at a real crossroads.
I have been saving for a few months now to re-do my laundry room. It’s a great space that needs some reworking, but has great potential for wall to ceiling storage that would make a huge difference in the way my kitchen and laundry room function. I only have a tiny pantry now and so pantry items are crammed in several different cabinets…because you all know how much I love to cook and thus, I keep a well-stocked pantry. Which translates to… “it’s a freaking disaster and stuff falls out every time I open one of the said cabinets, because there’s just not ample space.” So… I drew up a plan, found some cabinets that will fit the space perfectly and will make all the difference in the world. I’ll take pictures soon to show you what I’m dealing with currently, and I’ll try to see if I can somehow show you a plan of my plan as well. It’d be great to have a place to store extra pantry items neatly, as well as having a more organized craft cabinet, a place to store things like the vacuum cleaner, broom, and mops, and some of the entertaining things I keep around should we ever decide to have an impromptu gathering (which we do on occasion.) And the best part is that it’ll just be lovely cabinets…wall to wall, and floor to ceiling….it’ll look….CLEAN!
So I’ve been saving to make this happen for awhile now. And when I just had my birthday a couple of weeks ago, I got some money as a gift. So I tucked that birthday money away for my laundry room. I know….SNORE!
But lately, as I told you yesterday, with the fall weather blowing kisses at me in the much cooler breezes…I’ve been giddy about boot weather. I LOVE boots. And I’ve been eyeing the brand I told you about yesterday for a long time….Old Gringo.
And yesterdayy…here’s the crossroads I found myself standing in… do I buy the boots and save longer for the laundry room, or do I keep saving so I’ll eventually get the laundry room sooner? It IS birthday money…that’s the fun kind that you can do about anything that you want with it.
A friend of mine from highschool said to me yesterday, “BOOTS!!! Treat yourself. You must get out of the Sysiphean rut of laundry!”
And don’t you know I had to look up what “sysiphean” meant?! Apparently if I ever learned that one in school, it clearly didn’t stick. One definition of “sysiphean” that I found said, “such that it can never be completed.” Apparently in Greek Mythology, Sysiphus was a greek who was punished by the gods to spend eternity rolling a rock up a hill. Isn’t that the way that laundry feels most of the time?!
And with that, I decided that I’m going to buy the boots. Perhaps a prettier room would help with my sisyphean task, and most certainly it will be nice when it happens….but I think I’m going to go with the here and RIGHT now of the boots. And when I feel like Sysiphus doing my laundry every day…I’ll at least be doing it with a pair of awesomeness on my feet. A wise woman recently said to me, “Life is too short not to have bad-ass boots.” I’m pretty sure she’s right.
So, Hello frivolity and complete impracticality…I know it’s been a long time since we’ve hung out, but I’d really like to welcome you back to hang around for a day anyways while I do something fun instead of practical. I’m really much more comfortable with that anyways..the fun-ness that is. Now all I have to do is choose which pair to buy.
What do you all think? Help me pick!!! I have three choices and I think it’ll be fun to take a poll! All of them are about the same fat wad of impractically spent birthday cash, so I’m just curious which ones you’d stop someone in a store to compliment them on! I’m sure I just can’t seem to decide! I think I might be leaning towards one, but can’t make up my mind! Help me out? Leave a comment below and tell me which one you’d pick in a moment of sheer frivolity?!
So what shall it be ya’ll? Boot A, the Bonnie boot….Boot B, the Monarcha boot….or Boot C, the Golondrina boot?
Boot A for sure! I might get some myself!
Boot A! It’s my personal fav and at the risk of sounding too “practical” I think it will go well with almost anything you would want to wear boots with!
Those are all beautiful boots, but I think I like #2 the best. Happy boot shopping!
What other kind of boots do you have? A and C are my choices!
LOVE, LOVE them all- super tough choice! But with the ever-looming practicality, it would have to be Bonnie, Golondrita, then Monarcha. You should get them to do a giveaway for you 😉
The choice so depends on the other things in your wardrobe!! 🙂 I like A best out of the three you have, but my personal fav is Old Gringo’s Erin. You have to take a photo when you get them to show us how they look with an outfit.
My first thought was B, but I really think A suits you perfectly. So I’m gonna go with the Bonnie Boot all the way!
First I have to say – I love them all! But I would say Boot C – The Golondrina Boot would be my pick!
Debbie Barker
I like the Bonnie Boot the best, I think it looks the most like you!
A. They are very you. I’m all about practical and sensible and frugal …. but sometimes ya just gotta go with shoes! 🙂
Bonnie… I like the darkness with fall and winter coming 🙂
It’s either A or B. C is a no go.They are cute but that peachy color may throw off the outfit. I’d say for the first buy go with A. More versatile. If you just want to be different go with B for the funky color. A could be worked into a ton of clothes! That’s my 2¢!