You know sometimes you have certain childhood memories that just stick out in your mind? Fun things you did that you look forward to doing with your kids when you grow up too? I have a decent sized handful of things we did since my mom and her friends were super fun and creative. We had cotton candy and lemonade stands, we created a 1950’s diner and served up lunch and malts on a couple of occasions, we baked and created all the time, and I have really fun memories of playdough style sugar cookies too.
It’s been hot as all get out here lately in the South, and I decided that I needed to see if my mom could dig up that old recipe for playdough sugar cookies. So that’s what we did the other day and it was a blast! This dough is better for playing with than the amazing regular sugar cookies that I make and it can be baked in shaped up to about 3/4 inch thick. Beware that you do need some flour all over the surface you’re working on to roll it out though. What I’m really saying here is that it’s messy folks…even when you contain the messes on individual cookies sheet trays….you’re gonna have to vacuum immediately afterwards. But it’s fun….and childhood should be fun, and on occasion even really messy.
So do it. You will have fun. Your kids will have fun….and make great memories. And that my friends is most certainly how to enjoy your life for dessert!

Edible Playdough Cookies
1 cup margarine, softened
1 cup shortening
2 1/2 c sifted powdered sugar
6 hard cooked egg yolks, mashed
2 tsps. baking soda
2 tsps cream of tartar
1 Tbs. vanilla
5 cups flour
food coloring
Cream butter and shortening; gradually add sugar, beating til light and fluffy. Add yolks, soda, cream of tartar and vanilla, beating well. Gradually add flour, mixing well. Wrap in plastic wrap after coloring. (I made 4 different colors.) Chill 1 hour. Hand shape cookies, not more than 3/4 inch thick. Bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes. Thicker cookies take longer. Cool on baking sheets 1-2 minutes before removing from pans. Cool on wire racks. Makes 5 1/2 dozen 2 1/2″ cookies.
Woo Hoo! Fun had by all! And I should warn you that if you have a lot of artificial food coloring to make your dough super fabulously colorful…your baby will have diapers for the next day that look like they came straight from the fanny of a leprechaun! WOAH! That was a shock for sure!
Get out and do something fun today!
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