I have a confession. I haven’t posted the letter from my Navy Sailor brother yet because I’ve been hemming and hawing over if the total blunt truth straight from the mouth of a semi-salty sailor would put you all over the edge with me.
I’ve sent the letter to a couple of friends to gauge their reactions and we all agree it’s completely and harshly stereotypical of sailors, females on board, and human behaviors in general. The letter contains a lot of truths, some hilarious exaggerations, some offensive generalizations, and a dose of real life on an aircraft carrier for months on end. That being said….here it is. If you hate it, don’t hate me. If you love it, send my brother a carepackage. If you think his letter is offensive but still appreciate the fact that he’s out there on a boat for months away from friends and family, send him a letter? A nice one?! 🙂
A few things you should know: My brother calls me Gogie, I call him Buds. He is a great and decent guy with a fantastic sense of humor. I love him to death and if you say anything mean about him, well…do it elsewhere. This is my blog and I’ll not tolerate anyone hating on my family. Remember my post the other day?! He wrote this letter June 14th…I’ve been sitting on it that long. That being said…here you go.
Unit 60143
FPO AE 09504-6201
hey, so if i send buds a letter, what sort of postage is required? maybe that sounds dumb, but still, i'm asking 🙂
My son is also on your brothers carrier, he always wants beef jerkey i sent him a whole bunch as well as some other goodies, it is taking about 15 days for him to get the box. One was even miss directed by the USPO and went 650 miles west in the wromg direction to west texas el paso so they could ship it from Ft Bliss the army base instead of to Norfold i mailed it in central Texas. They should have sent it to the Arny base at Ft Hood. Needles to say i was highly pissed that wasted 5 days mailing time.He still has not gotten it it was mailed Oct 3.