My preferred morning jump start method involves the following….
Yesterday we went to pick strawberries with a friend and her daughter. I take my kids every year at least once. Freshly picked strawberries are the best, and for $7/ gallon, I feel pretty pleased with the purchase.
I’m making strawberry shortcake tonight to take to another friend who just had a baby. I’ll post the recipe that I use for that tomorrow, along with a recipe for a killer flank steak and roasted potatoes. But that is tomorrow.
Back to today….
SO… something to remember when you go somewhere in your car with a friend and don’t normally have a small child sitting in the back seat of your car, is that things go differently. And by differently I mean, the child might turn on the overhead light sometime during the 30 minute drive to or from the strawberry farm.
And perhaps your 5 year old will notice it and turn the light off.
But perhaps…just perhaps… the light will be turned on again.
As cute as these 2 are here above, one of them turned that light back on.
I didn’t find out until this morning…when I went out with both of my children to take Tid Bit to school and Little Bit to his 15 month doctor’s appointment.
The light in the back seat wasn’t on anymore then either. And for that matter, nothing was on in the car. As soon as I clicked the remote door entry and only heard a “click” instead of the sound of a door sliding open, I had this sneaking suspicion that we might be in for a little side-tracking this morning.
As it turns out….we were.
Thankfully my friend next door was home and came to my rescue (sans shower and all!) You know someone loves you when they’ll come jump your car first thing in the morning…even before they’ve had a chance to take a shower! I promised I wouldn’t post a picture of her, my morning salvation, though.
She had the cables, but didn’t remember how to use them. I do in fact know how to use them, probably because the last time we went somewhere with my friend and her adorable daughter in the backseat, we jumped the car the next morning again. Hmmm….I’m beginning to see a pattern here. And it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea for me to begin a pattern to respond to this pattern. Check the back seat lights every time perhaps?!
I thought this would be a handy time to offer some instruction on how to use jumper cables in the instance that any of you ever find yourself picking strawberries and end up with a dead car battery the next day.
It’s a wonder that I’m not the dead one this morning though, because while I know how to use jumper cables, I missed one part, but apparently did it correctly as a total fluke.
I found the following helpful information on the DriversEdGuru:
Wow, great timing. Just last night, I helped another football parent start her car after she waited for her son for too long with all the accessories running. 🙂 Yes, Charlie has provided me with a nice set of cables that NEVER leave my car. Happy to hear your sidetrack this morning worked out OK, but you're gonna owe your pre-shower rescuer BIG TIME!
Where did you go to pick strawberries? We would love to go but don't know where a good place would be. Thanks!