I didn’t watch the Royal Wedding.
I know…gasp, right?! I would have, but we don’t have cable. When you turn on the tv’s in our house, you get this ——->
We got rid of our satellite a couple of months ago when we realized that we were paying $80 per month to watch about an hour’s worth of cartoons and some late night HGTV on any given day. It’s been a good thing for us, but missing the Royal Wedding was the first time I personally really started feeling the pain of the loss.
So I did what everyone else who missed it has probably been doing… I got online in search of pictures. Loads of pictures!!!
And as I poured over the pictures of a beautiful bride and her handsome prince, the thing that I really kept noticing in all of the photographs were the amazing hats of all the guests. So i dug a little deeper to find out more about this fascination with fancy hats…and much to my delight, it’s not only a fascination, but it’s actually called a Fascinator (even better?!)
Here were a few that jumped right off of the screen at me!
<—This cross between a bow gone wild and an octopus belongs to the frontally affixed fascinator of Princess Beatrice
<—the blue feathery buggy fascinator beside her is her sister Princess Eugenie
Heaven help the Brittish throne if the 5 people in line before these gals don’t make it. Or maybe in that unfortunate case, a stylist can in fact help the throne!
Here are a few more for your viewing pleasure that I thought were absolutely fabulous though!
So, to make this Fascinator Fascination more fun for everyone, I’m teaming up with the uber talented Joanne Castillo of Fascinate Me who creates the most gorgeous Fascinators! We’re giving away the fascinator of your choice from her Etsy store (valued up to $100!)
- Go to Fascinate Me and choose the Fascinator that you want, then come back here and leave a comment with the name of the fascinator of your choice
- Follow LifeforDessert on Google Friend Connect and comment here saying you did so
- Subscribe to LifeforDessert in a reader or by email and comment here saying you did so
- Follow LifeforDessert on Twitter and comment here saying you did so
- Retweet this post to your Twitter followers and comment here to let me know
- Like LifeforDessert on Facebook and comment here saying you did so
- Like Fascinate Me on Facebook and comment here saying you did so
The Facinator Fascination winner will be announced on Tuesday May 10th here on LifeforDessert! ***(addendum as of 5/5/11) Some people have had trouble with the blog allowing them to leave comments, so if you leave your entry comments on Life for Dessert on facebook I’ll count those entries as well. I think I’ll throw in another way you can enter to win the Fascinator…for every one of your friends you get to do each of the entry steps, I’ll credit you with that step entry as well…basically I just made your entry potential jump up big time! The friend must comment either on here or the facebook page letting me know you are their reference person when they enter.
I’m pea green with envy for the lucky dog who wins this! GOR-GE-OUS!!!!
– Logan
above pictures from WWD.com and Fascinate Me
Double Tulip Feather Flower Fascinator – I love it!
I follow you via gfc as pralinka 🙂
I Subscribed in a reader 🙂
I Like Fascinate Me on Facebook (as kasia pil**)
+ I like lifefordessert as kasia pil**
I liked Fascinate Me on Facebook!
I liked Life For Dessert on Facebook!
I LOVE the white chocolate martini feather fascinator!!!
Double Couture Crystal Gardenia Flower Fascinator
Not sure that I could get away with wearing it, but it's so pretty!
I liked Life For Dessert on FB.
1-7: Done!!
#1: Plush Plumeria Large Feather & Organza Flower Fascinator: F026
#2-7: Done so on each!!
I love the Double Couture Crystal Gardenia Fascinator F022, it's exqquisite!
Best wishes and thanks for a chance to win this wonderful giveaway!
I follow in GFC!
Best wishes and thanks for a chance to win this wonderful giveaway!
I'm an email subscriber, too!
Best wishes and thanks for a chance to win this wonderful giveaway!
I love the Couture Crystal Peony Organza Flower Fascinator! So pretty! 🙂
I follow via GFC. 🙂
I follow on Twitter! 🙂
I like you on Facebook.
Random FYI: you can watch the whole wedding online on the Royal Wedding channel on YouTube. My husband and I don't have a TV (by choice), so I watched the live streaming video on YouTube in real time as the wedding unfolded. It worked out really well—and I think the wedding is still up for viewing (3 1/2 hours or so), so check it out if you're still interested. 🙂 Love the pics of all the hats, btw~~
Diamond White Nymph
The Single Large Tiger Lily Flower Fascinator is my favorite! Very modern yet feminine!
yepfinleywedding at gmail dot com
I LOVE the Diamond White Nymph 🙂 (It didn't type what I had said the first time. haha.
and I am now a follower of your blog on Google Friend Connect!! 🙂
I have now subscribed to receive emails from LifeforDessert. 🙂 This is fun!
I liked you on Facebook!…
I only wish I had a twitter to follow you there, but I know I would get addicted if I created one!
I also liked Fascinate Me on Facebook!!
I love this one:
Couture Crystal Peony Organza Flower Fascinator :
twitter- check
follow on google- check
re-tweet – check
like on fb- check
Like Fascinate Me on Facebook – check
I think I did them all… 🙂
Realizing I didnt post them all separately 🙂
#1: #1: Plush Plumeria Large Feather & Organza Flower Fascinator: F026
#2: Following on Google!
#3: Subscribed 🙂
#4: Following on Twitter
#5: RT on Twitter
#6: Following Life For Desert on FB
#7: Following Fascinate Me on FB
Like on FB and following via Google account…and I like the Double Tulip Flower fascinator on page 3 in the Etsy shop 🙂
I follow you already! 😉
I like the Double Couture Crystal Gardenia one!
I liked your page on Facebook.
I really like the Triple Crystal Rose in Bloom Organza Flower Fascinator!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Following you via GFC!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Subscribed via email!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Following you via Twitter (@sazzyfrazzy)!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Like you on FB!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Like Fascinate Me on FB!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Bandeau Birdcage Veil